Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just in case you were wondering . . .

Graduate stipend not enough? You could always sell your reproductive services. Sound a little odd? Wait'll you see the fee structure:

Surrogacy Fees

Egg Donation Fees

I found the following site via an advertisement at the McCalls sewing pattern website. Yes. I was shopping for skirt patterns and saw an ad: "Surrogate Mothers Wanted. First Timers. Stay Home with your Family. $18K to $25K."

I could more than double . . . almost triple my annual income by gestating. Doesn't sound like near as much work as grading an extra section of papers for a tenth of the income.

1 comment:

Nan said...

So sad.

I simply can't imagine.

I do know someone who did this for her best friend. Donated her egg. So she has a son who doesn't know he's her son that lives about an hour away with his Mom and Dad. She says that she's still happy that she could "give this gift" to her friend but she is always comparing him in growth and looks to his 1/2 siblings that live in her own home. Also... geeze... what will she do if he and her daughter fall in love?

Are there any studies out there of teenage/adult children of this type of reproduction? I would find it interesting to see how many of them have had major "issues" because of not knowing who their parent(s) are or anger at their "parents" for doing this to them.
